What is a Dental Emergency?

Accidents, sports-related injuries, tooth decay and infection are the many causes of dental emergencies. You may have a dental emergency if you have any of the following:

1. Knocked out tooth

Act quickly, if you have knocked out a permanent (adult) tooth because your dentist may be able to replant it. If it is completely knocked out, rinse it with water, but do not scrub it, and try to place it back into the opening. Hold the tooth by the crown (top), not the root surface. The sooner the tooth is replaced, the greater the likelihood it will be reattached successfully.

Store the tooth in the mouth next to the cheek, if you can not put the tooth back into it’s opening. If you think you might swallow the tooth, store the tooth in a container of cold milk. Place a wad of tissue or gauze on the opening and bite down on the gauze. The pressure applied will usually stop the bleeding.

Call Parks West Dental immediately at 780-865-5661, and book an appointment, with proper action, a knocked-out tooth can be successfully replanted and last for years.

2. Toothache

Nerve root irritation, such as infection, decay or loss is the most common cause of tooth pain. Call Parks West Dental at 780-865-5661 as soon as possible and explain your symptoms. Our friendly reception team will guide you on how best to handle your unique situation.

Over the counter pain medication can ease the pain temporarily. Never put the medicine directly against the gums because it may burn gum tissue.

Ice can bring temporary relief to a sore tooth, however, can also make things worse.

It is important to take care of tooth infection as soon as possible. Pain medications are generally temporary relief and do not deal with the infection itself, which can lead to greater issues.

3. Chipped or broken tooth

Broken teeth can almost always be saved, Call Parks West Dental at 780-865-5661 and explain what happened, request to be seen as soon as possible. Bring to your appointment any pieces of chipped or broken tooth to your dentist when possible. For a small break your dentist may use a white filling to fix the tooth. Some broken teeth may require a root canal and/or crown to be successfully restored. Our friendly staff at Parks West Dental will explain all your options and answer any questions you have before proceeding with your treatment.

4. Bitten tongue or lip

Apply pressure with a clean cloth to stop any bleeding. Use an ice pack to reduce the swelling. Call your Parks West Dental or go to a hospital emergency room immediately if the bleeding will not stop.

5. Objects caught between the teeth

Try to remove the object gently with dental floss. Make an appointment with Parks West Dental if you can not remove the object.

Do not try to remove the object with a sharp or pointed instrument because you can cut your gums or scratch the tooth surface.

If you are unsure if your dental concern is an emergency, always side with caution, call and speak with our friendly reception team, who will guide you through the process and determine when you should be seen by your dentist. Many emergencies, if caught in time, can prevent further issues.